Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Song of the Week (08.12.09)

By: Johnny Coggin

*Prepared a Place for Me (from the new Sovereign Grace Music album Sons and Daughters, released August 5, 2009)

Here's a description of the purpose of the project, from the SovGrace website:

Do you live with a nagging suspicion of God?

Many Christians understand that Jesus died in our place to take our punishment, that our sins have been forgiven, and that one day Christ will return. But inwardly we can be tempted to wonder whether God truly loves us, cares about us, or even thinks about us.

The gospel has brought us amazing news, but sometimes we don’t live in the good of it.

The project came out of a perceived lack of songs that help us meditate on the unfathomable love God has shown us in adopting us through Jesus Christ (Eph. 1:5). We are now part of God’s family - in Christ we will forever be the objects of God’s particular and passionate mercy and love. We are not only forgiven, we are co-heirs with Christ, and never again have to doubt God’s care for us. That biblical reality, rather than leaving us focused on ourselves, drives us once again to proclaim the greatness of the God whose grace turns hopeless rebels into the precious children.

And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, ‘Abba! Father!” (Gal. 4:6)

The song "Prepared a Place for Me" magnificently displays one aspect of our adoption in Christ, namely that Jesus' victory over sin and death includes preparing an eternal home for us with God (John 14:1-6). And, as always, Sovereign Grace Music makes the truth very singable and enjoyable to listen to.

Click the song title to visit the Sons and Daughters album page at Sovereign Grace Music's site, where you can hear samples of this song ("Prepared a Place for Me" is track 11) as well as the entire album.

Prepared a Place for Me
by Doug Plank

Mystery of mysteries, that God would make for me
A place within His family, though once His enemy
The Judge of every sinner sent Christ to Calvary
To prepare a place for me

Judgment should be given for this guilt upon my head
But the Father of all glory crushed His Son instead
Now I’ve been adopted, for God made this to be
You prepared a place for me

Blessed be, blessed be
My God and Savior, You’ve shown me favor
You prepared a place for me

Father, in the moment
When Your Son shall split the skies
And myriads of angels acclaim Him with their cries
By grace I will be able to join the jubilee
You prepared a place for me

Blessed be, blessed be
My God and Savior, You’ve shown me favor
You prepared a place for me