Friday, March 12, 2010

When You Don't Feel Like Singing

By: Johnny Coggin

Someone recently asked worship pastor Bob Kauflin this question:

So often I come in on a Sunday morning and I don’t feel like singing. How would you encourage someone in my place?

How would you answer? Here's his helpful reply:

When I don’t feel like singing it’s usually because I haven’t been thinking much about who God is and what He’s done for us in Christ. Some situation, relationship, or event seems more important to me than the fact that Jesus came into the world to save rebellious sinners and reconcile them to God, and that I’m one of them. How can I not want to sing about that!

So the first thing I’d do is confess my distraction to God. I can tell him that I haven’t been loving him with my whole heart, soul, mind, and strength. Then I’d receive his full and complete forgiveness through Christ. God doesn’t hold my sin against me. Jesus bore it on the cross. Then, I’d start to think about the words I’m singing and direct my thoughts towards the greatness and goodness of God. If for some reason the lyrics aren’t helping me, I’ll start rehearsing the basic truths of the gospel and the promises of God. Before too long, my perspective changes and I feel like singing again.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

I Don't Want My Kids to Be Happy

By: Johnny Coggin

If the title of this article alarms you, join the club. I was recently linked to this article written by a mom of several young children, and that was the title. And yes, it bothered me a little. I didn't say this, but something in me felt: "Why would anyone say such a thing?"

After reading her post, I know exactly what she meant, and I feel exactly the same way.

She's writing it to her 4 kids about their plans to adopt a child from Ethiopia. Here's part of her lead-in:

Recently we were told by people whom we love and respect why they oppose our plans to adopt. One of the reasons given was that we would not be able to pay for your college education.

It's true.

You all have college funds - college funds which recently took a terrible hit - but "they" say that by the time you're 18, college will cost anywhere between $200,000 to half a million dollars each. You might as well know now, we won't be covering that. I'm telling you now, babies.

Why would parents sacrifice their kids' college funds in order to adopt, you ask?

...several years I saw a story on a TV show about how the latest trend was for parents to give their daughters boob jobs for high school graduation (I don't know what they gave their sons). When interviewing one of the moms, she said, "I just want my daughter to be happy." And as I tossed a throw pillow at the television, this really huge thought occurred to me: I don't want my children to be happy.

Now you're thinking she has lost it, right? Understandable. But read the rest of the story. Then try telling me this young mother isn't parenting with a biblical worldview, a heart for Jesus, and deep love for her kids.

The world thinks she is doing it all wrong. So do many Christians, I'm sure.

May we at Grace Evan be so bold in our counter-culturedness, as our priorities become radically shaped by the Gospel.