Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Tenacious Grace

By: Will Savell

If you have ever taken the time to read through the book of Judges, we see a sad picture of God’s people going from a bad place to an even worse place (just read the last 5 chapters, if you have the stomach for it). God’s own people were known for doing what was “right in [their] own eyes.” Unfortunately, can’t we apply that statement – the root sin - to each of our own lives?

Dale Ralph Davis finishes his commentary of Judges with this hopeful statement, which is just as applicable to each of us as God’s people:

"So the book of Judges ends with a miracle. How after chapters 19-21, indeed, after chapters 1-21, can you account for the fact that there is still an Israel? It can only be because Yahweh wished to dwell in the midst of his people in spite of their sin. It can only be because Yahweh’s grace is far more tenacious than his people’s depravity and insists on still holding them fast even in their sinfulness and their stupidity."

In the midst of our lives full of sin, may we never forget or quit celebrating the underserved grace of such a great Savior.