Friday, November 5, 2010

Isaiah 53:6 and the Reason for a Happy Melody

By: Johnny Coggin

If you've been in a worship service at Grace Evan over the last 5 weeks, you know that we've begun singing Scripture Songs together. These are all-new songs written and recorded by a team of musicians at Grace Evan, with word-for-word Bible verses as the lyrics. (You can hear the first batch of 10 songs at, and even download them for free.)

This Sunday and next (Nov 7 & 14), we'll sing Isaiah 53:6 together (check it out at the link above). It's a happy, upbeat, celebratory tune, although the Bible verse is found in a sobering prophecy of the sufferings to be endured by the Messiah, who had not yet come in Isaiah's day.

So why sing a celebratory song for a passage with such a heavy theme? In this video, our own Jim Umlauf explains why we do so.

And while we're at it, why not take his challenge to read Isaiah 53 in its entirety to prepare your heart for Sunday morning worship?