Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Choose Life

By: Morgan Martin

Moses said to the Israelites, “You have the choice. You can choose between prosperity and disaster, between life and death... All you have to do is love the Lord. Keep His commands. Walk in His ways.”

That sounds easy right? Moses had just reminded them of the miracles seen with their own eyes... miracles by the Lord. Their sandals and clothes didn’t wear down for 40 years. They had food falling from the sky. All so they would know that He is God.

Yet they still doubted Him.

Moses speaks the truth very clearly here. He makes it sound easy. So why do I constantly struggle to do good? Why do I struggle to love the Lord and keep His commands?

I love how Moses follows this up, saying, “Oh, that you would choose life, that you and your descendants might live! Choose to love the Lord your God and obey Him and commit yourself to him for He is your life.”

I must constantly immerse myself in His Word and be in fellowship with Him and ask the Holy Spirit to help me to choose life. I could witness a miracle one moment, and then doubt the Creator the next. It happens that fast because I am a sinful human. I must relentlessly ask Him to help me to choose life.

Monday, June 27, 2011

True & Better

By: Johnny Coggin

Few can say it like Tim Keller can. Here's my paraphrase: "It's all about Jesus, y'all."

Now listen to Keller fill out that thought... from the entire Bible... in 2 minutes.

(If the video does not appear in your email or RSS feed, watch it here: True & Better.)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The First Step to Restoration

I’ve never claimed to be a good counselor. There are many who can attest to the truth of that statement. However, I do my share.

One of the obstacles that I often face in counseling is the time-honored tendency to shift the blame. Adam did it; Eve did it. So, we’ve learned it from the best. But in the counseling setting I work hard at getting people to the place of taking responsibility for their own actions/sin. I want them to own it. No “buts” allowed. I want them to see the truth of what God said often to Israel: "Your ways and your deeds have brought this upon you" (Jeremiah 4:18a).

Why? Am I just ornery, or even cruel? Maybe. But I think that this is my motivation. Owning your sin is the first step in repentance. Once I stop blaming anybody and everybody else for what I did, I can then face God in confession.

The great door of hope that we as Christian counselors have to offer is the restoration brought on by Holy Spirit-authored repentance. Granted, there may be consequences of my choices that I still have to face. But the sweetness with my heavenly Father, which is invaluable, can be restored. And the first step to that restoration is when I, in a detailed way, own and confess what I did, and stop blaming anyone or anything else.

It wasn’t my low blood sugar that made me lose my temper. It was my sin.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Political Scandal and You

Several political leaders have been in the news lately for their adulterous, sinful, and just plain ridiculous behavior. This surprises many. But it should not surprise Christians.

Dr. Young wrote just last week about the danger of spiritual blowout, and the humbling reality that we are all closer to the ledge than we might realize.

Similarly, one of my favorite writers, Russell Moore, offers wise biblical commentary regarding the recent political scandals and our own propensity toward sin. Seriously, you should read it.

Here's a snippet:

"Almost every adultery situation I’ve ever seen includes a cheating spouse who honestly believes that he or she is not going to get caught. The cheater often doesn’t want the marriage to end in divorce. Instead, like the characters in today’s headlines, he or she instead wants to keep everything the same: spouse, kids, and lover too. That’s irrational and completely contrary to the way the world works. Anyone can see that.

But you can convince yourself…or be convinced…that it will work for you. You’re special, after all. That’s the way temptation functions. We put consequences out of our minds, both temporal and eternal consequences. We start to believe that we are gods, with power over good and evil and life and death. And then we do crazy things.


I don’t know who you are, reader, but I know you are probably not smarter than Anthony Weiner or Arnold Schwarzenegger or John Edwards. And neither am I. Both of us, you and I, are on the verge of wrecking our lives. We’re probably not on the verge of a situation quite like any of those men, but the gospel tells us we have vulnerabilities just the same, and they all can lead to destruction."

There is much wisdom here, folks. Read the whole thing here.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Book Review: Why I Am Not An Arminian

Book Review:
by Robert Peterson & Michael Williams

This volume is a part of a series of books that sets up scholars with opposing viewpoints (there’s also a sister book called, “Why I Am Not a Calvinist”). There are several things that make this book excellent. The first is its scholarship; it’s written by two Covenant Seminary professors, one of whom I’ve taken a couple of courses from. These guys are sharp, and the water is deep; even so, the book is accessible to any thoughtful student of the Bible who wants to expand his or her theological understanding. The other great thing about this book is that it’s a lesson on how to behave. There’s no dripping sarcasm. No talking down. No obnoxious we’re-smart-and-they’re-not. No inadequate derisory “thinkers” posturing. Here’s a quote:
“We write as Calvinists to Arminians, as persons who hold the Word of God precious and worthy of our most careful reflection to other believers who share that same commitment of the heart.”

Isn’t that refreshing? There’s not a single sneer or smear in all 215 pages. Just a loving presentation of one biblically supported position to another, all the while remembering that we’re brothers in Christ, and that God’s thoughts are higher than ours. I can’t recommend this book more highly. Enjoy.

(You can order this book from Amazon while supporting Grace Evan at the same time. Here's the link.)