Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Choose Life

By: Morgan Martin

Moses said to the Israelites, “You have the choice. You can choose between prosperity and disaster, between life and death... All you have to do is love the Lord. Keep His commands. Walk in His ways.”

That sounds easy right? Moses had just reminded them of the miracles seen with their own eyes... miracles by the Lord. Their sandals and clothes didn’t wear down for 40 years. They had food falling from the sky. All so they would know that He is God.

Yet they still doubted Him.

Moses speaks the truth very clearly here. He makes it sound easy. So why do I constantly struggle to do good? Why do I struggle to love the Lord and keep His commands?

I love how Moses follows this up, saying, “Oh, that you would choose life, that you and your descendants might live! Choose to love the Lord your God and obey Him and commit yourself to him for He is your life.”

I must constantly immerse myself in His Word and be in fellowship with Him and ask the Holy Spirit to help me to choose life. I could witness a miracle one moment, and then doubt the Creator the next. It happens that fast because I am a sinful human. I must relentlessly ask Him to help me to choose life.