Sunday, June 3, 2012

Understanding Yourself

Dr. Jimmy Young        

Understanding other people is a real art form.  But understanding myself is next to impossible.  The Bible helps me understand myself.  Numerous are the times when I get an insight to my own heart just by reading the Bible.  

A case in point is in Exodus 32.  After Moses had been away for several days, the people get antsy and want to “get on with it.”  So, they approach Aaron about making for them an idol.  He obliges and verse 4 tells us that he took their gold and “fashioned” a golden calf.  However, when Moses does finally get back, not in a very good mood, he approaches Aaron and basically asks him to explain himself.  In verse 24, Aaron describes his actions this way:  “…and I threw it (the gold) into the fire and out came this calf.”  That’s not what he did!  He fashioned the thing himself.  But when caught, he’s looking for some explanation that will allow him to look less bad than he ought to.  

I am a master of that same strategy.  I so want you to think highly of me that lying seems better than owning my sin.  But now my sin has been complicated by more sin.  “Oh what tangled webs we weave.”  And I think the motive underneath so much of my subterfuge is that I can’t stand you knowing what a doofus I am.  

The only remedy is to return to my identity in Christ.  My worth is due to my belonging to Him.  And though my behavior is sometimes regrettable, my standing is unchanged.