Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Song of the Week (07.29.09)

By: Johnny Coggin

Startling confession time... Are you ready? Here it is: The worship ministers of Grace Evan do not listen to the local Christian radio station. Ever. I know, I know... but just accept it.

Still reading? Ok, well, based on our music choices from week to week - or my Song of the Week posts - this may not shock you at all. But I bring it up because I get the impression that this week's Song of the Week could very well be playing ad nauseum on said radio station these days. And if so, I apologize... but I'm oblivious to it, so cut me some slack.

That said, I love the idea behind the 2007 Dove-award winning, multi-artist project called Glory Revealed: The Word of God in Worship - the idea of songs based directly on passages of Scripture, with simple, folksy, almost bluegrass-style accompaniment that allows the lyric to be the focal point.

And now there's a sequel, Glory Revealed II. I'm really recommending the project as a whole, but since this is the SONG of the Week, here's the track I'm posting: Since the World Began (click to hear the full song, plus 5 others from the album). It's based on Isaiah 64:1-9 (NLT), and it proclaims the eternal grandeur of our saving God. Enjoy.

Since the World Began
by Matt Maher, Amy Grant, Ed Cash, Mac Powell

Oh, that You would burst from the heavens
And how the mountains would quake
But You would make the nations tremble
All Your enemies would learn from Your fame

How then shall we be saved?
How can we be saved?

Since the world began,
No ear has heard, no eye has seen a God like You

Like autumn leaves, we all wither
Swept away by the wind
Oh, have mercy on us Father!
Please don't remember our sins!

How then shall we be saved?
How can we be saved?

Since the world began,
No ear has heard, no eye has seen a God like You

O Lord, You are our Father,
We are clay, You are the Potter
We are all formed by Your hand
According to Your plan

Since the world began,
No ear has heard, no eye has seen a God like You