Saturday, February 27, 2010

Pride, Humility, and the Devil's Reach

By: Dr. Jimmy Young

It was Jonathan Edwards who once said, “Nothing sets a person so much out of the devil’s reach as humility.” I guess it would then be fair to deduce the corollary: nothing puts me closer to the devil’s reach as does pride.

This morning while reading Daniel 4 once again, I was stopped abruptly in my tracks by the closing line in the chapter: “…those who walk in pride He is able to humble.” Is there anyone reading this that doesn’t believe that? Then why are we ever guilty of what C. S. Lewis called “the complete anti-God state of mind”?

It occurred to me that never is there ever an occasion where pride is appropriate, while humility is welcome at all times and in all places. Can’t say that I’ve mastered this, but by His grace I’m working on it.