Saturday, May 21, 2011

Struggling is a Good Sign

In the past year and a half, I have learned that marriage holds up a mirror and shows me things I wasn’t aware of about myself. Don’t get me wrong, I believe I have been blessed with the greatest husband ever; his kind love for me when I am unlovely helps me to taste grace more and more. And when I think about how much more grace we receive from our beloved Father in heaven, it brings me to tears.

I remember learning for the first time in college that it is a good thing to struggle with sin and fight it with a passion. I was taught that this struggle means the Holy Spirit is alive and well inside of me. I did a book study through The Enemy Within, and Kris Lundgaard says:
“Believers are the only people who ever find the law of sin at work in them. Unbelievers can’t feel it. The law of sin is a raging river, carrying them along; they cannot measure the force of the current, because they have surrendered themselves to it and are borne along by it. A believer, on the other hand, swims upstream – he meets sin head-on and strains under its strength.”
So if you are overwhelmed and weary today from fighting, praise the Lord that the Spirit is alive and well in your heart. And remember: the Lord is faithful. He promises a sure victory in the finale.