Thursday, July 28, 2011

When Is Too Much, Too Much?

We hear it a lot in athletics: “Can you adjust my son’s soccer practice time? It overlaps with his baseball practice, swim lessons, and two basketball games.” I know this happens in many families in other aspects of their lives too, but when is too much, too much?

We all get caught up in our daily lives and somehow forget how to say "no" to all the “things” that are presented to us. Before we know it, our lives are kidnapped by our careers, hobbies and even our kids. When do we fit time in for our Creator? Does He become an after-thought? We end up replenishing our mind and body, but forget our spirit.

Matthew 6 is rich in how Jesus teaches us how to pray, about giving to the needy, and yes, even how to spend our time effectively for His glory. Verses 19-21 teach us about “storing up for yourselves treasures” (using money as the example – but it relates to all things). If our “treasures” are our kids, our hobbies, or our time, then our spiritual vision becomes blocked with what God has planned for us. “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (v. 21).

The more we fill our lives (and our families too) with more “stuff”, the less time we have to spend with God. Our intention should be to seek the fulfillment of God’s purposes in all we do, not just in what we do with our money. These “things” will soon become our idols and then our desires will start outweighing our commitment to God and spiritual matters.

As a parent, it's important to evaluate not only what you spend your time doing, but also what your family unit is doing. Do you sometimes find yourself frustrated that the “family dinner time” no longer exists because your daughter has cheerleading practice and your son has a football game? It’s hard, but start learning to say "no" to certain things. I know a parent who has a policy (which I agree with) with each of their kids that they are allowed to participate in only one activity (other than school) per season. This kind of plan can lessen the tension not only for our family, but it also allows our kids to enjoy growing up and still have enough time to spend doing family things, which also includes their spiritual growth.

God wants us to be happy and enjoy life, but keeping ourselves too busy often interferes with our spiritual well-being. Instead of us overloading our daily schedules, maybe we should heed the words of the psalmist: “Be still, and know that I am God.” This will allow us more time to reflect on our lives, spend more precious moments with our families, and spend more time in the word and exalting our Creator.

Friday, July 22, 2011


To be honest, I do not feel you can fully explain God's providence in a short post, but I will offer a few thoughts. Providence is something I’ve been reading about, and isn’t it funny that when you start studying something it seems to pop up all over the place?

Like last night. Andy and I were reading Proverbs 21 and the first verse says, “The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever he will.”

Doesn’t this suggest that the Lord guides our hearts? I remember being terrified in college, thinking, “what if I make the wrong decision? What if I don’t choose what the Lord REALLY wants me to do?” I remember Les Newsom telling me, “The Lord wants you to serve Him. You can’t step out of His will. Obey Him. Now make a decision and get going.” This provided quite a bit of comfort. And now as I get older, I get it more and more. There is much kingdom work to be done. Decide on something to help push back the curse and get going.

As Dr. Young has been telling us in his recent sermons on Genesis 3, Satan is doing everything he can to cause us to doubt God’s goodness. And it is very hard to trust that God has a plan when things are hard and feel like they are falling apart all around us. I am reminded of Joseph. Think about all the pain and suffering he went through. And yet, we read in Genesis 50:19-20: “But Joseph said to them, 'Do not fear, for am I in the place of God? As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.' ”

Wherever you are today, remember that God is in control. He has a plan. And no one, nor anything, can thwart this plan. Not even us.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Commitment Move

Isaiah 41:10:
Fear not, for I am with you;
be not dismayed, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

In climbing there is a move one is occasionally required to execute known as the “commitment move.” You are harnessed into a rope which is securely anchored to a strong, trustworthy object. In order to make your next upward move you must commit by letting go of the safe place you’re at and leaping toward the next hand-hold. At that moment there is no turning back and you must fully trust the anchor you’re clipped into… and not trust your feelings of fear.

Life is full of commitment moves.

There are times in the Christian walk when you are faced with a difficult decision and you find yourself asking, “Is God really there? Is his Word really true?” or stating, “I don’t hear him… I don’t feel his presence.” Yet, you do know him. You know that he has always been faithful. You know that he has never forsaken you. So you take that leap of faith, clinging to what you know is true, knowing that God will strengthen you, he will help you, and he will hold you with his righteous right hand.

Monday, July 18, 2011

How to Do God's Will for Your Life

Sometimes it's just refreshing (and freeing!) to be reminded of this:

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Are We Peddling or Tampering With God's Word?

I was struck earlier this week with a couple of statements made by the Apostle Paul about people who handle God’s Word, of which I am one, and maybe not a very good one at that. He talked about being a “peddler of God’s Word” (II Corinthians 2:17), and two chapters later in 4:2, he spoke of refusing “to practice cunning or to tamper with God’s Word.”

You can understand, I hope, why statements like that would give me pause. Am I “peddler”? Do I “tamper”? What is a peddler? How does one tamper?

A peddler is one who sells a product for a profit. I do get paid to do what I do. To tamper is to modify or change in subtle ways. So, am I guilty of either of those? I’ll have to let you decide, while I wrestle with God over those matters.

I do know that what I think is tampering with God’s Word, I see in this whole ordaining of women, and, of course, the gay marriage issue. Realizing that my positions on both of those issues are not “politically correct,” I must, nonetheless, speak out against both of those things, because to fail to do so would make me guilty of tampering with something that I’m not supposed to tamper with. I also feel that to cave on issues that I think are clearly denounced in Scripture would mean that I have a tendency to “peddle.”

So, my only solution is to continue to ask God about His Word, and about my heart. That’s all I can offer you. But it might be sound advice for all of us.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Strategic Parenting

By: Jim Umlauf

(If you don't see the video above, click here to watch it on Vimeo.)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A New (Old) Way to Pray

By: Johnny Coggin

From Will Savell's new blog, chronicling his family's journey into a new life of ministry in Costa Rica, and his thoughts along the way:

(On reading Acts 4) "What I noticed... was a boldness and a commitment to truth in the face of persecution. I also noticed what the people prayed, and it had nothing to do with the Lord blessing them with an easier life. They began their prayer with the words, “Sovereign Lord” and they continued to recognize His control and his power. And when it came to supplication, all they wanted was more boldness for proclaiming truth."

If you're interested in seeing the Holy Spirit's power at work in your life and your church, that's a potent way to start. Read the whole thing here. (And subscribe to the Savell's blog while you're there!)