Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Holy Scripture, Batman!

By: John Ottley

Todd McDevitt of Ellwood City, PA saved his money for over 20 years. For a comic book. He saved his money for a comic book and, when he found the right one, with great joy he went and bought that comic. He bought one of the most valuable comic books in all the land-- a near-mint condition copy of Detective Comics Vol. 1, No. 27, “The Case of the Criminal Syndicate,” introducing, for the very first time… Batman!

Mr. McDevitt said the issue is worth about $250,000. McDevitt’s “comic of great price” now lies in state in an airtight bag in a bank vault. Sometimes he takes it out to show customers and friends. “I’ve been toying with the idea of reading it, but I haven’t yet,” he said. $250,000 for a comic book. An unread comic book.

In the Psalms, David said God’s Word is “more precious to me than thousands of pieces of silver and gold” (119:72). Those reading this will agree with David that, in light of eternity, comparing God’s Word to Batman is, well, comical. King David didn’t just pull the Torah out every once in a while to impress the royal entourage. He read it. He thought about it. He wrote poems and worship songs about God’s glorious Word. He measured every aspect of his life by it.

Those who regard God’s Word (both written and incarnate) as more valuable than “silver and gold”—or the original Batman comic book-- will take the time to read it, feed on it, pray it and obey it. May God give us all an ever increasing passion for Holy Scripture!