Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Chuck Colson

By: Dr. Jimmy Young     

I was saddened to hear on the news Saturday night that Chuck Colson had died.  You younger folk may not recognize that name, but, boy I do.  Nixon’s “hatchet man” of Watergate fame, converted in prison, founder of Prison Fellowship.  What a brother he was! 

I had supper with him one night many years ago.  But I most remember his books, of which there were several.  The guy was brilliant.  There were so many keen insights contained in his books, like this one: 

“I was reminded of a young woman profiled in Psychology Today.  Counseled to give up the endless round of parties, drugs, sex, and alcohol that was driving her into despair, she gasped to her psychiatrist, ‘You mean I don’t have to do everything I want to do?’”  

He was full of the thought-provoking, and did it in a way that made Christianity appear as the most credible option that ever existed.  In a day when we Christians are made to look as if we have committed intellectual suicide, Colson was a star.  I will miss him.