Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Generous Sowing, Generous Reaping?

Trust and Obey

      Trust and Obey

           Trust and obey, for there's no other way
            to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.

One of the Apostle Paul’s major projects was collecting a large donation to help poverty stricken believers in Jerusalem.  The major passage on this is 2 Corinthians 8-9.  Bible teacher Warren Wiersbe says, “These two chapters present giving as a Christian grace, a blessing, not as a legal obligation that burdens people.  If giving is difficult for a Christian, then there is something wrong with his heart!”  

Giving is difficult for me because I don’t know God well enough.  And what I do know I tend to forget.  Because I don’t know God very well I don’t trust him very much.  The more I know him the more I trust him.  The more I trust him the more I obey.  I don’t obey God so he’ll love me.  I obey him because He loves me.  I don’t trust God so he will accept me.  I trust him because he’s accepted me.   Knowing and trusting God makes it less difficult for me to give.

Have you learned to trust God?  What stories do you have of God’s faithfulness?  Here’s one of mine.

We lived in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada from 1990-1995.  Kathleen’s from Miami, FL and I’m from Marietta, GA so our first winter there on the shore of Lake Huron was rough.  Winters are MILD in the South.  No so in Canada.  It wasn’t the Yukon or Siberia but it sure felt like it!

I love being outside and have an adventurous spirit so I learned how to deal with the cold.  One afternoon  that first winter my son and I went to Sarnia Bay.  It was completely frozen over so naturally we wanted to explore the ice.  I knew nothing about ice so I didn’t trust it.  The ice was about four feet below a concrete retaining wall.  We climbed down and eased onto the ice expecting to fall through at any moment.  We had a death grip on the top of the wall as we cautiously inched our way along.  It felt like we were outside the 40th floor of a skyscraper.   We cringed and froze at every creak and crack.  Finally we’d had enough excitement for one day and made our way back.

We returned the next day to let the rest of the family see the frozen bay and brag about our exploit.
I couldn’t believe it!  Cars everywhere.  On the ice!  They were getting ready for a motorcycle race.  On the ice!  When I asked a guy about it he laughed and said, “Yeah that ice is a foot thick!”

I laughed at my undue caution, timidity and fear the previous day and strolled out onto the ice like I was walking down my driveway to get the mail.  No fear.  I knew it would support me.

In 2 Corinthians 9:8-11 Paul wrote, “God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work… you will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way…”  God’s grace, like the Sarnia Bay ice, is omnipotently able to support me.  The difficulty I have in trusting Him comes from my inadequate knowledge of his faithfulness.  When I remember God’s faithfulness I can trust and obey with a little less fear and trepidation.

-John Ottley
Click here to listen to the entire message messing with your money, giving of your time and yourself.