Friday, October 30, 2009

Basic Bible Study Tools

By: Jeff Sample

Dr. Young introduced the subject of how to feed your soul from God’s word on Wednesday night. Later I will post the important preliminary principles he covered with some brief explanations. In the meantime, though, here is a short list of essential tools to help you become a better student of God’s word with the end of deepening your relationship with him and applying his truth to life.

  1. Use a good study Bible with reliable annotations for reading insight. Suggestions would include – The English Standard Version Study Bible or the NIV Study Bible; both are excellent but we predominantly use the ESV which is a great, reliable, but readable text. Another to consider would be the Spirit of the Reformation Bible.
  2. Have a concordance at hand in the translation from which you are reading (ESV, NIV, NKJV, or NASB); if you have something other than those don’t tell anyone – (jk, but not much.)
  3. You may want to have a solid whole Bible commentary. Purchase, New Bible Commentary by Wenham, Motyer, Carson, and France, 21st Century Edition to help you understand as you read.
  4. Add a solid theological dictionary like New Bible Dictionary; want to spend more? Add the International Standard Bible Dictionary (Revised); and/or New Dictionary of Theology.
  5. Did you know there are literary guides to the Bible? Here’s one that is a standard: How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth by Fee and Stuart. For Christmas have someone purchase for you, Is There Meaning in this Text by Kevin Vanhoozer.
  6. You might want to throw in a good map of Bible lands unless you are the manly type (we never use maps or a GPS, which is why we get lost!). Even if you are the manly type throw in the Moody Atlas of Bible Lands by Beitzel; you will be tour guide before long!
  7. Just for fun why not add O. Palmer Robertson’s Christ of the Covenants to your library.
  8. Have a plan. You can follow a Bible reading guide. Use the pulpit series; a class topic or series and read systematically. You might read 1 John everyday for 30 days to soak in or you might read the gospel of John a chapter a day or a paragraph at a time but follow a plan.

In another post, I will add to the library and suggest additional means to deepen you devotional life.