Thursday, October 15, 2009

How Eternity Influences a Mom's Daily Tasks

By: Johnny Coggin

The daily routine of life can sometimes become suffocating. At the workplace, in the home, driving kids from place to place - it's easy to get bogged down in the mundane details and lose track of the bigger picture, the ultimate purpose.

For parents, John Piper offers a wise reminder about keeping in mind the eternal perspective. Here's an excerpt pertaining to moms:
A mother will delight most in the little baby in front of her when she has a vision of God and a vision of the world that's big enough to admit that this little child has a destiny in front of him or her and might become this or that.

If she is totally circumscribed by her little home—with no vision for the world—then I think her domestic scene is probably going to shrivel up on her, and she is going to feel that it is small and constraining. But if she sees it in the wider context of what she is a part of in the missionary enterprise, I think every detail of her life can take on a global significance, indeed, an historical significance.

And to dads, there's this:
The goal isn't just to fulfill some little task that dads are supposed to do. Rather, you're building men who hopefully someday will have absorbed so much of God and so much of the Bible that it's going to shape their whole world. And they might wind up going to Pakistan to help build shelters for earthquake victims.

Read the rest here.