Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Song of the Week (10.28.09)

By: Johnny Coggin

I first heard this song about two months ago, and liked it immediately for two reasons:
  1. The melody is so simple and catchy that I could immediately sing along with it.
  2. The message is so simple - yet profoundly central to worship - that it immediately resonated with me.
The theme is the glory of God, and a heart of worship that seeks to live solely for his glory. 1 Corinthians 10:31 comes to mind: "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."

The song is called "Glory to God Forever," written and performed by Atlanta-based worship band, Fee.

You can hear the whole song in the embedded video (for email/rss readers, click the song title if the video doesn't show up). The song can be purchased at iTunes or Amazon.

Glory to God Forever
by Fee

Before the world was made
Before you spoke it to be
You were the King of kings
Yeah you were, yeah you were

And now you're reigning still
Enthroned above all things
Angels and saints cry out
We join them as we sing:

Glory to God, Glory to God
Glory to God forever!

Creator God, you gave me breath so I could praise
Your great and matchless name
All my days, all my days

So let my whole life be a blazing offering
A life that shouts and sings
The greatness of our King

Glory to God, Glory to God
Glory to God forever!

Take my life and let it be
All for you and for your glory
Take my life and let it be yours

We sing:
Glory to God, Glory to God
Glory to God forever!