Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Adam probably didn’t know Cain and Abel had a facebook account either

I’m honestly not one to nitpick. I turned in the badge of "fashion/facebook/dating/music police" about 3 months after entering youth ministry. One, because patrolling these things would require a total lack of sleep, and two, because often times it is simply hot-button nitpicking that lacks the motive of exposing, examining, and changing the heart as Christ so consistently taught.

So rather than nitpick, I will simply bring forth a genuine concern as a shepherd, and remind us dads of a simple truth.

The temps were in the 80’s last week. It’s good to be back in the 80’s. We all love the 80’s. But while combining the 80’s with the sand or a pool over Spring Break used to mean a much needed break from routine, thanks to 1) the wandering heart, 2) a sex-worshipping culture, 3) technology, and 4) lack of intentional dialogue and accountability, what we now have is mini Sports Illustrated swimsuit photo shoots happening on your family’s week of fun. Yes, I’m referring to the smattering of swimsuit photos posted to various Facebook pages, potentially available to thousands in downloadable format.

Now there are a million different directions I could drive this car at this point. But remember, I’m not a nitpicker. In many ways, we’ve lost the battle on modesty, and it’s profoundly sad that we’re now being forced to fight the battle of "should we make our immodesty available for the masses or just a select few?"

The main point I want to drive home is to the dads. Dads, you might let mom deal with the "annoyances" of fashion, facebook, boys, etc. right now, but may I humbly suggest that you simply cannot let the rumble of Sportscenter drown out those conversations.

Our two biggest roles as the head and leader of our home is to protect and provide. In reading a recent sermon by John Piper, he points out:

"Without protection and provision, life itself is threatened. The reason these two [attributes] rise to the surface so quickly is that if a husband fails in his leadership here, there may not be any other place to exercise it. The life of the family hangs on protection and provision. Life itself must be protected and nourished, or it ceases to exist."

In Genesis 3, we get a glimpse of where male passivity and abandonment of leadership takes us. Adam probably didn’t know Cain and Abel had a facebook account either. Dads, don’t follow our first parent’s lead in this area. Investigate, ask questions, encourage dialogue, keep your eyes and ears alert to the "mundane" conversations happening in your kitchen. Protect your daughters by challenging them to be as pure as God’s Word calls them to be. Provide for your family by leading them in a way that might not make much sense to the neighborhood.

So what am I asking? Well, nothing. People don’t answer to Landon Ditto or his ministry or the church he is employed at. People answer to a holy, just, and righteous God who calls us to run hard after holiness and who seeks to absolutely consume the hearts and minds of His people. A God who, through his word, exposes the intentions and the dark crevices of our hearts. So dads, go protect. Go provide. And perhaps use the 82 degree days as an opportunity to lead your daughters and your family by re-evaluating what we broadcast to the world.