Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Are You Hungry & Thirsty?

By: Scott Elliott      

Working in the sports field and being around a lot of young kids and teenagers, I often find myself making the comment to parents that I wish I still had the energy that these kids possess. They seem to be able to run for hours without getting too worked up or tired. Me, not so much.

As an Athletic Director and one who should promote a healthy lifestyle, I feel I should lead by example in taking care of my body physically. I do try to workout at least 2-3 days a week to keep in shape and, if nothing else, keep my heart in check. As I tell the kids, we all shouldn’t neglect the physical gifts that God has given us.

The same regular training that is required of us physically should also be applied to our spiritual training! Our spiritual souls need daily toning and strengthening and nourishment too if they are to survive and grow. If we don’t feed our spiritual soul (like we do our physical body) then it too will grow weak and fade away.

A quick look at our society and community will tell you that we surely don’t deprive our physical bodies with the food and drink they need to keep them going. So why do we deprive our spiritual souls of the nourishment it needs? The nourishment from the Word!

The living Word, Jesus Christ, and the written Word, the Bible, not only satisfies and nourishes us but also quenches our hungry and thirsty souls. I don’t know about you but I need to make sure I make it to the “training table” on a regular basis. Filling up on the Word helps to keep us going!

So next time you feed your body, don’t forget about your soul! Get back to training … the body and the soul!

Read:  John 4:13-14;  1 Timothy 4:7-10;  2 Timothy 4:7-8