Monday, January 9, 2012

Was I Really That Bad of a Father?

By: Dr. Jimmy Young        

In light of John Rosemond’s visit to our church, I want to throw in my two cents' worth on parenting.  Believe me, John Rosemond is the expert.  I’ve learned more from him than any other single expert on this subject of parenting.  That makes me the learner, and not the teacher.  

But I was struck with something the other day in my time with God in His Word.  It was Psalm 3.  If you will look at it, there is an introductory line before you get to verse one.  It tells you a bit about what was going on in David’s life that evoked this psalm.  The event is a rather ugly one: One of his sons was leading a coup to overthrow his father, and, in addition, had gathered a small army to hunt down his dad and execute him.  Dad - David - was on the run… from his son.  A son?  Yeah, a son!  One which was raised and fed and nurtured and trained and provided for by this dad, that he was now hunting like a wild animal.  

As I read that, I wondered if David did not feel a bit of what many of us have felt: Boy, was I really that bad of a father?  I mean, what wrong did I commit that made my child so angry with me?  

I guess there’s a lot of ways this blog could now go, but all I wanted to do is remind you of the John Rosemond conference, and tell you that your value and worth as a human does not depend on your parenting skills.  Some real biblical heroes, like David, wrestled with some of the same stuff we do.  Comforting, huh?