Tuesday, May 19, 2009

“Content to Fill a Little Space, If Thou Be Glorified”

By: Jim Umlauf

A missionary named John Elliot came to Massachusetts in 1631 and pastored for many years serving the Algonquin Indians. During that time, he labored to translate the Bible into Algonquin. This proved to be an arduous task, and not just because he had to master their tongue. Elliot had to invent a system of Algonquin grammar, and teach the Indians to read their own language. Imagine the painstaking labor! He said of his years of service, “Prayer and pains through faith in Jesus Christ will do anything.”

Now imagine this: not a person currently on earth can read that Bible translation, because no one remains who can read or speak the Algonquin language of that day.

Was it a waste?

Well, not only do we learn a lesson about the importance of Scripture, and not only was the Great Commission obediently carried out, and not only did men and women come to faith as a result, but we can learn a lesson about what it is to “fill a little space.”

The question is: Is there such a thing as a “little space”?

The title of this brief post is actually a line from a song we occasionally sing at Grace, usually on Wednesday nights, called “Father, I Know That All My Life.” Here are a few more lines:
In service which thy will appoints, there are no bonds for me;
My inmost heart is taught the truth
that makes thy children free:
A life of self-renouncing love
is one of liberty.
Take heart as you serve the King of kings. As quiet and unseen as it can often be, John Elliot – and certainly the Lord Christ – would say, “It’s worth it.”