Friday, May 15, 2009

Satan and Sunday Morning

By: Elaine Savell

As a mother to two young children, I know how hard it can be to get out the door in the mornings. But have you ever noticed how it’s extra hard on Sunday mornings? Every other day of the week we have to be at school, work, practices, games, and meetings, and we’re usually right on time. Even though I have an extra hour on Sunday morning, I get so discouraged getting my family out the door!

This tends to be the time when I wake up late, the kids fight over everything, my clothes don’t fit and I can’t find my keys. We rush out the door angry at each other and speed off to church, ruining the rest of the day. I was so tired of this constant routine, and have talked to many others who share this same Sunday morning charade. I started wondering if I wasn’t prioritizing the Sabbath like I should. I know that people make time for what’s important to them, so is church really that important to me?

I actually love going to church on Sunday and look forward to it all week long. A time to fellowship with other believers, rejoice in song, petition in prayer, and study God’s word…what could be better? So why are Sunday mornings so hard?

I would like to propose that there is something more going on than just my priorities being out of whack. I believe that Satan uses Sunday mornings as a time of frustration and fighting in order to stifle our hearts and minds before we enter God’s house. Our adversary would like nothing more than for us to be distracted when we come together as the church.

In realizing this, I knew I needed to do more than just hope the next Sunday goes smoother. I started looking for ways to create a special Sunday morning routine. Even bathing, picking out clothes, ironing, and setting my alarm clock earlier the night before could help. I even say a prayer that morning to keep my heart quiet and patient with my kids and to watch my temper. I want my family to know the Sabbath as a calm and restful time focused on God, to rejuvenate our souls before the stresses of the world come back on Monday morning. And with the world getting crazier every day, we as Christians need a true day of rest now more than ever.