Thursday, September 10, 2009

Longing for Humility

By: Dr. Jimmy Young

Moses is described in one place as “very meek, more than all people who were on the face of the earth" (Num. 12:3). The meekest man in the world…what a reputation, and one I long to have but have yet to establish.

In fact, is there any one who would describe me as meek? I doubt it, and that I regret. I long to be a humble man, knowing that God resists pride, but grants grace to the humble. And any one who has tasted grace wants more of it.

I also know that the Bible commands me to "humble myself," and sadly, I’m not really sure how that is done. I have some hunches, but that is about all.

But there is one part of humility I’m sure about. Late in Moses’ life, he complains about not being able to enter the Promised Land, and asks God if he can make a brief visit (Deut. 3:23-25). God says no, and tells him, “Enough from you…” Amazingly, that’s the last time Moses mentions his desire.

Thus, one thing humility is… a quick yieldedness to the instructions of God, even when they go against the desires of my heart. I drag my restless heart to the place of sweet submission to a God that I know is good.

It’s not all that humility requires, but it is a good start.