Wednesday, September 2, 2009


By: Russell Jeffares

I didn’t really support any political candidate during the last presidential election, but I wish I had. I recently saw a video testimony by Mike Huckabee on the website (click to view). Though I don’t necessarily agree with all his opinions, I wish we had a guy like this in our nation’s highest office. In this video, Huckabee affirms that his life is defined by his relationship with Christ, not his political success. He states:

"Following Jesus doesn’t mean that I’m following him to the Whitehouse or following him to the governor’s mansion or following him to do television. No, I’m following him to be with him. Then wherever it is he puts me or places me, my real job is not to be the Governor or President or a television personality. My job is to somehow be that person that God has created me to be and to have influence on the world wherever he has placed me. It doesn’t matter where that is. And when I fulfill that, there is real joy."

In a time when greedy ambition, crass hypocrisy, and political double talk seem to rule the day, we need more men who live out this Christ-centered conviction. We need men who are committed to Jesus over their political careers. We need men who are transformed by the gospel and ever aware of their need for Christ.

It is my prayer that God will raise up more men who live out the gospel to engage the political sphere of our country.