Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Song of the Week (09.30.09)

By: Johnny Coggin

This week's song is called "Fullness of God," and it comes from a church in Austin, TX called Austin City Life. ACL recently released a 6-song EP called One, with song contributions from each of their three regular worship leaders.

I love their description of the song's origin and meaning:
Fullness of God is a song inspired by Colossians 1:15-23, which richly explains the preeminence of Jesus Christ. It is a song of worship to the person of Jesus who, surpassing all others, was fully man and fully God, reconciling us to Himself through His cross to make us blameless before him. Because of His supreme deity and redeeming love, we sing and proclaim that He is "above all" and cling to Him, our "hope of glory."

This song was originally written during a sermon series on Colossians at Austin City Life, where we spent three four weeks working out the lordship of Christ in these verses. Almost every time we sing this song we are powerfully confronted by the beauty and power of King Jesus.

Colossians 1:15-23 is a magnificent passage on the glory of Jesus. Read it, and listen to this song. I hope you'll be "powerfully confronted by the beauty and power of King Jesus" as well.

(full song can be heard here, and can be purchased from Amazon and iTunes)

Fullness of God
by Jordan Whitmore

The very image of the invisible God
You were here before all creation
And by your hands we were made
And we see you today
Through the things your hands hold together

In you all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell forever
Through you we are reconciled, by the blood of your cross

So we sing to the name above all:
The name of Jesus, the name by which we are saved
So we sing to the King above all, King Jesus
You are worthy of all praise, so we sing to you

We were once far away from the reality of grace
Sinners estranged from our Father
But in love you came to take away our shame
And to present us as clean sons and daughters

In you all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell forever
Through you we are reconciled, by the blood of your cross

So we sing to the name above all:
The name of Jesus, the name by which we are saved
So we sing to the King above all, King Jesus
You are worthy of all praise, so we sing to you

We’ll cling to the hope of glory proclaimed in all the earth