Monday, April 4, 2011

Personal Reflection on Psalm 26

I came across one of David’s psalms this morning that really concerned me. I’m trying to read these verses slowly in order to reflect on what the writer is saying.

In Psalm 26:2 I read, “Prove me, O LORD, and try me; test my heart and my mind.” Quickly, I wrote in the margin something to the effect of: I wouldn’t want to ask the Lord to do this. My mind is filled with thoughts that shouldn't be there. My heart feels far from God. So please, I thought, don’t test me. I think I just might fail.

So how could David write such things? He was human. He sinned. His thoughts, I assume, turned astray at times.

So how could he be brave enough to suggest that the Lord test his heart and mind? Was he arrogant? Prideful in his own ability to score well?

Well, I'm sure glad this is followed by verse 3 because this is where we’re told how. This is where I can also be confident and have my heart and mind tested. Because you see, although my mind wanders and my heart feels far, I’m not the one being graded on this test, and neither was David, and neither are you.

He continues, “For your steadfast love is before my eyes, and I walk in your faithfulness.

Praise God for verse 3.