Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Are You Prepared?

By: Erin Pearce

Andy and I are in a stage where we just love life. We feel so overwhelmingly blessed right now in this year and a half of marriage we have experienced. We often wonder aloud to each other, “I wonder what the Lord has in store for us?” We know the Lord has a plan for us, but oftentimes we don’t think about God’s plan being a route that tests our faith to produce steadfastness and patience, as well as many other marks of a Christian. We are trying more to talk about how we want to learn to glorify God in every situation. We know that things will come to test us, but we want to be prepared.
I’m reading a book called The Sovereignty of God by A.W. Pink, and this is what he says about two different ways to view life.
"Here is the fundamental difference between the man of faith and the man of unbelief. The unbeliever is 'of the world,' judges everything by worldly standards, views life from the standpoint of time and sense, and weighs everything in the balances of his own carnal making. But the man of faith brings in God, looks at everything from His standpoint, estimates values by spiritual standards, and views life in the light of eternity. Doing this, he receives whatever comes as from the hand of God. Doing this, his heart is calm in the midst of the storm. Doing this, he rejoices in hope of the glory of God."

Andy and I long to be like this man of faith. Being calm in the midst of the storm would be quite unnatural, but possible with the Holy Spirit. I guess you never really know if you are prepared for trials, but don’t you think it would be a good thing to try to prepare for that?
Daniel 11:32b - “...but the people who know their God shall stand firm and take action.”