Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Be Sure to Eat the Right Corn

Just got back from Iowa. Ever been there? When you’re flying in, all you can see for miles around is field after field of corn. While there, I learned that there are 3 kinds of corn. There is seed corn; there is feed corn; there is sweet corn. Only one of those is worth eating by us humans. But it all looks like corn.

Truth is like that in a way. Jeremiah, one of my heroes, points that out a lot in his book. One place, which is repeated elsewhere, is chapter 8, verse 11: “They have healed the daughter of my people lightly, saying, 'Peace, Peace' when there is no peace.” Who did that? Verse 10 tells us: the prophets and priests.

The professional clergy of Jeremiah’s day was telling people all was well, when all wasn’t well. If given a choice, who wouldn’t want to bring the peace message? But if isn’t true, then the end result is ruin.

Guys, there are lot of truth claims out there, and they all have a ring of truth to them. They all look like corn, but much of it will hurt you if you eat it. There is only one edible corn, one sweet corn, and it is found coming right from God’s mouth. Some of it stings. Some of it warms. But once you swallow it, it will be sweet to the belly. If you eat that other stuff, you’re gonna end up sick… real sick.