Monday, August 22, 2011

Text Message

By: Chris Leuck

I received this text message from a dear friend this morning. It has been deeply encouraging to me and I hope it will be the same for you:

“This morning, as I think about the Holy Scriptures and my ineptness… my lack of knowledge, my overall pitiful status, and just how insignificant I am in the whole scheme of things… it’s a real pity party. THEN, Christ shows up and reveals the Gospel to me again as though I had never heard it before. I mean, I’m on my knees in tears and I can’t even shout out “I love you, Jesus” without choking up… a 51 year old man sobbing like a baby. I began to see again the absolute power of the Gospel. He shows me that He is my wisdom… I don’t have to prove anything. I don’t have to accomplish anything. I am free of all worldly perspective and expectations. I am free in Christ. He is my love, my desire, my significance, and my motivation. This IS the power of the Gospel. Let’s pray that the Gospel is at the heart of everything we say, think, and do. I seem to forget that so often.”

So do I.