Friday, August 26, 2011

Why Christians Should Be the Hardest Workers Around

By: Brent Wilkins

Work, and the ability to do so, is a gift from God. Ecclesiastes 9:10 tells us that “whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.” Obviously that includes work. We are to work with all our might out of gratitude to God, for his glory and for our own good. Our hard work can also be a witness to those around us. It communicates something not only about who we are but whose we are.

If you’ve been around me for very long, you know that I am a Nebraska Husker football fan, so please oblige me and forgive the illustration. Husker running backs coach Ron Brown has twenty-seven former pupils who have gone on to pro football careers. However, Brown does more than prepare them for the next level of play… his passion is sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and preparing young men for life. Brown has a number of Christian athletes, one of them being running back Rex Burkhead. Last week a reporter asked Brown about Burkhead and what makes him the ideal role model for the other players. Here was Brown’s answer:

Rex is a great Christian kid, and there are a lot of Christian kids who are brought up to think that a good Christian football player needs to be a good sport that doesn't use bad language, gets to bed on time and doesn't drink or smoke… but the reality of it is Jesus has called us to glorify Him out on the field. I really believe the Christian athlete ought to be the toughest, most intense, most relentless player on the field - the one who doesn't give up, is the most courageous player and the hardest working guy out there.

I don’t know about you, but that motivates me. As a Christian we should be the hardest working guy/gal out there. Our hard work does not result in justification or salvation, but as God enables us, it can bring glory to his name and be a witness to the world around us.