Thursday, October 27, 2011

Good Candy or Cheap Candy?

What to do, what to do... Halloween is fast approaching, and a decision along with it - cheap candy or the good stuff?!

However, before that decision, another clamors for attention and confronts us everywhere - ought a Christian participate in Halloween? Signs announcing "Trunk or Treat" or "Fall Festival" can be seen regularly, and demonic creatures and emphasis on evil inhabit many aspects of Halloween. So before the candy decision, another demands attention. Here are three thoughts to help you decide.

1. Do not "cartoonize" evil. Evil is real and serious, and Satan utilizes a tactic of reducing our assessment of evil to produce a false mindset. Participating in Halloween by the Christian ought not deemphasize the Biblical warning against evil found in 1 Corinthians 14:20, "Brothers, do not be children in your thinking. Be infants in evil, but in your thinking be mature."

2. Isolation is not Biblical. We are in but not of the world (John 17:14-15). We have a primary task of proclaiming the good news that through Jesus Christ, sinful humanity can possess full forgiveness. When we isolate ourselves, we reduce our ability to proclaim. Whether you "Trunk or Treat" or "Trick or Treat," make sure you are not isolating yourself from neighbors.

3. Having fun is acceptable. Laughing, enjoying, and being creative are all gifts from God. Costumes, candy, parties and traditions ought to be enjoyed and experienced and God should be thanked. Whatever you do this Halloween, thank God for his grace in our lives.

For the record, I'm buying the good candy... and enjoying any leftovers!