Sunday, October 2, 2011

Stay Thirsty, My Friend

By: Dr. Jimmy Young

Surely you know that the first king of Israel was not David. It was Saul, and his story is one of “starting well, but…”

Early on, Saul appeared to be “just what the doctor ordered.” But it wasn’t long before Samuel was confronting Saul and informing him that his days were numbered (I Samuel 13:13-14). His replacement was a nobody from Bethlehem, whose name lives in infamy, David.

Recently, I was reading of the transition from Saul to David, and a statement was made in I Chronicles 10:13 that took me aback. The chronicler points to a “breach of faith” as the reason for Saul’s downfall. Think about that! A breach of faith. What is that? The details aren’t as scary as the possibility of my committing one of those myself.

I guess I could list some things that would constitute a “breach.” Better yet, stay thirsty my friend… thirsty for God and His Word… thirsty for obedience… thirsty for God’s glory. Oh, might it never be said of us that we were guilty of a “breach.”