Monday, October 3, 2011

What Do You Desire?

By: Scott Elliott

I wake up every morning with a hidden agenda – or should I say a subconscious one. As soon as my feet hit the floor (and sometimes much earlier) my mind is already racing on the things I need, plan, and desire to do for that day. Whether I recognize it or not, every behavior (in thought or deed) that I perform is an attempt to obtain the things I desire or treasure.

If I don’t stop and ask God to direct my heart (and therefore my actions) my own sinful self will take over. As James reminds us, we are “dragged away and enticed” by our own sinful desires (James 1:14).

Paul Tripp in his book, Instruments In The Redeemer’s Hands, also makes note of three principles that sum up the battle between our heart and what we treasure:

1) Everyone seeks some kind of treasure.
2) Your treasure will control your heart.
3) What controls your heart will control your behavior.

Ok, so everyone seeks some kind of treasure – that is a given. Are you being careful in what you seek? Is your behavior being guided and filtered through God’s eyes and hands?

Do you let your treasure control your heart, or vice versa? “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21).

Does your behavior reflect your heart? I am a people watcher and I often ask the questions, “Why do people do the things they do? Why do they react the way they do? Why are they wearing that particular outfit? What is the desire in their heart to make them react and behave in that way?" Knowing that I should be asking myself the same questions!

The desires of our heart wage a war amongst each other and thus the battle begins. The desire soon becomes a demand – the demand becomes a need – the need leads to expectations – the expectations lead to disappointment - which leads to punishment.

Ask God to guard your heart today from the evil desires. Ask him to direct your path and your thoughts. He desires the best for you! What do you desire?