Monday, April 20, 2009

Duty and Promise

By: Will Savell

In Romans 8:13, Paul calls the believer to make a decision between life and death. He writes, "For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live."

As I was studying this verse, I came across a sentence from the old Puritan, John Owen. He describes the duty of every true believer in Christ:
"True believers, who are definitely free from the condemning power of sin, must still make it their business throughout life to put to death the remaining power of sin in them."
The decision or business of putting sin to death is motivated by a wonderful promise too easily overlooked: Life! And not just eternal life, as glorious as that is. Putting to death the deeds of the body will allow the Christian to experience what the Christian life means for today.

Despite what popular culture might think, there is great benefit experienced today by being united with Christ. Owen continued on this subject saying,
"You will lead a good, vigorous, comfortable, spiritual life while you are here, and receive eternal life at the end."
So Christian, as the deeds of the body look to daily overtake you, consider the great promise of our God. Consider life and then by the Spirit put to death those very deeds.