Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Why Twitter is Such a Good Example for Your Marriage

By: Jim Umlauf

By now, we’ve all heard people dogging Twitter, the networking service that lets you communicate in short bursts of a hundred forty characters or less. The dissenters will say that it’s impersonal, empty, and void of true connection.

I’m suggesting the exact opposite, and that by following its example, your marriage and family can be enriched.

On the surface it may appear that these short comments are superfluous or self-serving. There’s surely an element of that, and like any form of communication, there are both good and bad uses. I’ve recently received such tweets as:
“I wish I had a jet pack.”

“It feels like it’s 4 in the morning.”

“Dude. Danny Gokey. Dude. You can sing.”

“I’m trying, tough week.”

“The burbs are a noose.”

“Finishing last is for losers.”

“You don’t need a new spouse, you need a new marriage.”

“Only for the righteousness of Christ imputed to us and received by faith alone.”

“More and more to die unto sin and live unto righteousness.”

“Not too much going on today, only a short ride, long routines, chores, tasks.”

Having read those, you’ve already made observations that perhaps supported your former position on Twitter. Some were amusing, some contemplative, some spiritual, some deep, some light. But the one thing they have in common is that they are actually things going on in someone’s life. They are real thoughts and feelings, much like one would share if one were walking or driving or talking side by side with someone.

Here’s how the concept can influence your marriage and family. What your loved ones need most from you is not two solid, quality hours per week. Big events are important, but they can actually produce resentment unless accompanied by frequent, ongoing points of contact. Contact about both the big things and the little things. Things that are springboards unto deeper communication the next time you connect. Those little moments have a cumulative effect in building intimacy.

Husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, sons and daughters: Shoot for many, many, many points of contact through the myriad means we have available today. They just may add up to closeness.