Wednesday, April 8, 2009

How You View Every Single Thing in the Universe

By: Jim Umlauf

If your action is out of tune with your beliefs, you tend to change either your actions, or your beliefs. You cannot maintain integrity (or your mental health) for long if you make no effort to resolve the conflict.” Albert M. Wolters

Careful! It would be easy to turn this quote into a little moral lesson, full of cheesy machismo about “doing better.” The quote actually refers to the issue of a worldview. That word has been over-used, but it’s still important, and simply means how a person thinks about life.

So the tension the writer is talking about is how you package the world around you.

Is it:
A) A nebulous blob of random actions and reactions?
B) A rigid, fatalistic storyline that cannot be altered, even by Benjamin Linus?
C) A cool, intergalactic video game played by aliens, and you’re someone’s avatar?
D) Fashioned, sustained, and ultimately redeemed by God himself?

A Christian worldview, succinctly put, is the belief that God made the universe and it was good. Human beings are the most important part of creation because we are created in God’s image. Sin affected that creation and nothing has ever been the same. God intervened because of that and devised a way by which creation can be restored to its original intent.

So as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, that’s how the gospel fits integrally into the days and hours and minutes of your life. View it that way.