Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Satisfaction Guaranteed

By: Will Savell

Conferences, women’s Bible studies, accountability groups, youth camps, men’s fraternities!!! You name it, and no matter what your age or stage of life, there’s a program just for you. And they’re good, right? They’re all designed to help you maintain a strong walk with the Lord.

Have they worked? Of course you enjoy them, but do you find yourself satisfied? Or, do you find yourself jumping from one program to another hoping to walk away truly fulfilled?

Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones wrote,
“There are large numbers of people in the Christian Church who seem to spend the whole of their life seeking something which they can never find, seeking for some kind of happiness and blessedness. They go round from meeting to meeting, and convention to convention, always hoping they are going to get this wonderful thing, this experience that is going to fill them with joy, and flood them with some ecstasy. They see that other people have had it, but they themselves do not seem to get it. So they seek it and covet it, always hungering and thirsting; but they never get it.”

Maybe the problem is that we hunger and thirst after being satisfied, and we use these good programs as a means to that end.

Christ says in Matthew 5:6, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.”

This difference is subtle, yet life-transforming.